Review admin consent requests

In this article, you learn how to review and take action on admin consent requests. To review and act on consent requests, you must be designated as a reviewer. For more information, check out the Configure the admin consent workflow article. As a reviewer, you can view all admin consent requests but you can only act on those requests that were created after you were designated as a reviewer.


To review and take action on admin consent requests, you need:

Review and take action on admin consent requests

Steps in this article might vary slightly based on the portal you start from.

To review the admin consent requests and take action:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least a Cloud Application Administrator who is a designated reviewer.
  2. Browse to Identity >Applications >Enterprise applications.
  3. Under Activity, select Admin consent requests.
  4. Select My Pending tab to view and act on the pending requests.
  5. Select the application that is being requested from the list.
  6. Review details about the request:

Screenshot of the admin consent requests in the portal.

Review admin consent requests using Microsoft Graph

To review the admin consent requests programmatically, use the appConsentRequest resource type and userConsentRequest resource type and their associated methods in Microsoft Graph. You can't approve or deny consent requests using Microsoft Graph.

Next steps