Consignment Agreement

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This agreement is being made between [consignor] and [customer] on [date].

1. Consignor has turned over the goods described below, which shall remain property of the Consignor until such time as they are sold:

2. Customer operates an online or retail store or other sales outlet and agrees to make his/her best effort to sell Consignor's goods.

3. Customer agrees to return to Consigner, upon demand, any unsold merchandise. The goods must be returned in the same or similar condition, unless this is impossible due to shopper damage or theft.

4. Customer, at his/her own discretion, may opt to return unsold goods to Consignor at any time.

5. Customer agrees to sell the goods at the following price points, with markdowns allowed as described below:

6. Customer agrees that all proceeds due, minus [____%] commission, will be available to Consigner on demand as outlined below:

7. If Consignor fails to claim proceeds within [number of] days from date of sale, then:

8. If goods are lost, damaged, or stolen while under the control of the Customer, then:

9. This agreement can be terminated by either with Consignor or Customer at any time.

CONSIGNOR ____________________________ DATE ____________________________

CUSTOMER ____________________________ DATE ____________________________

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