Environmental Planning in the Philippines 101

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What is environmental planning (or urban planning) in the Philippines?

Here’s what you need to know about environmental planning in the Philippines!

120 million hectares of the world

Different sectors of society have different needs for land and water.

Environmental planners can lead the balance of use and care for forests, seas, cities, and other assets.

Balancing the demands of various users of the environment is also embedded in the structure of government and policy.

Environmental planners should be capable of guiding local chief executives in devolved responsibilities towards local autonomy.

The territorial and political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy.

SECTION 2. Article X. 1987 Philippine Constitution

As an art, a science, and an advocacy, the environmental planning profession must satisfy the demands of different sectors of society with limited resources.

How can I become an environmental planner in the Philippines?

What skills and competencies do environmental planners need?

Filipino environmental planners need the understanding of concepts, principles and processes of planning cities and municipalities. Filipino environmental planners also need to possess basic research skills, design skills, and collaborative skills.

For those who would like to work in local governments, environmental planners must possess good listening skills and negotiation skills.

What is the role of Filipino environmental planners?

In broad terms, environmental planners ensure that our use and management of the environment is sustainable.

Sustainable use of resources ensures that future generations are not disadvantaged by present generations.

Saving earth and satisfying human wants are mutually exclusive.

Environmental planners deal with a wide array of sectors. The environmental planner is the mediator for the compromises among stakeholders.

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Who are notable environmental planners in the Philippines?

A quick Google search results to names including,

They write consistently about issues in environmental planning in various media.

They are also included in my personal list of inspiring environmental planners.

Receive articles on urban planning and solid waste management!

What are environmental planners doing to support climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Philippines?

As the “defining issue of our time”, climate change is an urgent concern for all.

Filipino environmental planners are tasked with adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change to a country at high risk.

Environmental planners are raising their capabilities and reach.

We are trying to go beyond the “obsolete urban planning” that is plaguing the country. A good start would be to redesign EDSA.

We also help communities cope with climate changes despite administrative challenges of the local territory.

What are the key issues in environmental planning in the Philippines, especially in relation to pandemic recovery?

Local government planners have been unnecessarily burdened with completing more than 30 separate sectoral and thematic plans.

Understaffed and overworked, local government planners often lack the capability and resources to update the comprehensive plans mandated by the Local Government Code.

Role of Environmental Planners in Post-Covid19 recovery

In private practice, environmental planners face issues about integrity.

This is especially true in assessing the environmental compliance of critical projects.

One recent controversy is the “illegal and immoral” issuance of environmental compliance certificate to the Kaliwa Dam.

Several organizations that work with disadvantaged communities also have difficulty gaining political support.

Some Local Chief Executives are either indifferent to proper local government planning or heavily prioritize political motivations.

Plantilla local officials are also prone to politicizing the planning process.

These officials will withhold data and information because the current Local Chief Executive or other planning-related officials belongs to the opposition.

Waste management is also a challenging issue as the new normal involves food delivery and mask-wearing.

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